Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Theory of Everything

I thank God that a creative genius at Steorn in Dublin did an experiment in 2006 that led them to confirm the practical implications of my work. It is the only hope I see for the survival of the human race. I love their January 30, 2010 proof of principal tests, of my following scientific work. It was so simple.

I similarly thank J.L. Naudin, the great French scientist, for his proof of principle test device.


· Experimental results of testing with my dark matter motor prototype, conclusively prove that its input energy is multiplied by its output energy and work

· My exemplary rotary and piston embodiments of this over/unity technology can be built and operated by anyone for the purpose of scientific research, with my permission.

· The over/unity test results of the dark matter motor test stand prove that the multiplied output energy does not come from the neodymium iron boron magnet’s metal at all – but rather from disturbances in the fields permeating and surrounding the metal.

· Since electrostatic accretion, magnetic attractive and repulsive forces, electromagnetic and gravitational forces exist throughout the universe, one is inexorably led to the following logical conclusions.

· Space and time did not come into existence with the last Big Bang, at “time zero.”

· Beyond the spherical universe, space and time do exist.

· Einstein understood that gravity was tugging at every bit of matter – so the “universal bubble” had to collapse into a Big Crunch under its own weight. So Einstein made up the cosmological constant, a Lambda notation that expressed that empty space is not really empty at all – it has a latent energy. Friedmann’s mathematics and Hubble’s astronomical observations toppled the Lambda sign in general relativity. Skyler particles bring it back.

· Christiann Huygen’s “unspecified medium of the transmission of light, like sound is a vibration in the air,” is Skyler dark matter/energy that is equally distributed throughout the Universe.

· Newton’s three laws of motion must now give way to Skyler dark matter/energy theory mandated modification.

· When Einstein observed: “for if no particular state of motion can be ascribed to the aether, there does not seem to be any ground for introducing it as an entity of a special sort,” there was scant evidence of a Skyler quantum soup universe.

· Dark matter motor test results likewise force the necessary modifications of the applicable work of Faraday, Maxwell, Hertz, Huygens, Fresnel, and Planck, among others.

· Fresnel’s aether hypothesis was correct, as far as it went.

· “The (H. A. Lorentz electrodynamic theory) failed, moreover, to give any explanation concerning the tremendous forces which hold the electric charges on the individual particles . . .” (Albert Einstein)

· As Einstein once wrote: “Now a question arises. Since the (electromagnetic) field exists even in a vacuum, should one conceive of the field as a state of a “carrier,” or should it rather be endowed with an independent existence not reducible to anything else? In other words, is there an aether which carries the field . . ?” [My answer is yes.]

· “Meanwhile, particle theorists have realized that the cosmological constant can be interpreted as a measure of the energy density of the vacuum.” It is a measure of the “observable” energy of the Skyler in the “vacuum.”

· Even the conception of Bon and Heisenberg that the physical world could be regarded either in terms of waves or particles is rendered susceptible to reanalysis by the prototype dark matter motor test results.

· Planck’s law of radiation must now incorporate Skyler theory. Planck’s universal constant “n” and Skyler theory require science to “(find) a new conceptual basis for all physics,” as Einstein noted.

· My experiments result in confirmation of the statement: “Quantum mechanics adds another contribution, from the zero-point energies associated with vacuum fluctuations . . .”

· The fact, discovered by Faraday in 1831, that an electric current can be “induced” to flow in a coil of copper wire when a magnet is brought close to it, can now be explained. It is a disturbance in the Skyler fields of dark matter/energy.

· Ampher’s circuital law and Gauss’s law must both be modified to account for Skyler theory. The same is true for Coulomb’s law.

· Electric and magnetic forces are part of a single physical phenomenon, as special relativity postulates – both are powered by dark matter Skyler energy.

· The Biot-Savart law also must be modified to include Skyler theory.

· Michelson-Morley did not preclude the Skyler particle aether. Einstein’s special relativity and photoelectric effect did not destroy it.

· Scientists should look again at Einstein’s statement: “If Michelson-Morley is wrong, then relativity is wrong.” Einstein did miss the Skyler particle aether and that forces modifications to the photoelectric effect, special and general theory of relativity assumptions and conclusions.


· In 1932, as is commonly known, the existence of neutrons was discovered at Cambridge University. That same most extraordinary site of scientific research had previously been involved in the realization that the entire sensible universe is made up of but ninety two different atoms. More interestingly still, with the discovery of the neutron, it was evident that all atoms, from hydrogen to uranium, were made up of only three (3) different elements: protons, neutrons and electrons. Said protons, neutrons and electrons, in the ninety two different atoms that exist in nature, create each type of atom by being in different numbers, in different arrangements.

· The universe is uniformly filled, in a stable yet dynamic way, with astonishingly tiny, nearly massless, particles. These particles’ axial spins generate neutral charges of static electricity.

· The bubble universe may be envisioned as a balloon tightly packed with these particles eternally jostling a myriad of others – spitting static electrical charges. These static electrical charges repel all identical particles and refuel all other types of particles. For example, the reason that photons can maintain a constant speed of 186,000 miles per second, as they travel across the universe for billions of years, is that these dark particles refuel them perhaps 4-6 billion times a second, at quantum distances, as they pass by.

· I name these dark particles as Skylers. Collectively, Skyler particles refuel all other particles in the universe, with static charges of electricity.

· Skylers constitute all but less than one (1) trillionth of one (1) trillionth of the total matter and energy of the universe.

· What we humans think of as dark, empty space, dotted with “sparse points of light,” is actually uniformly filled with Skylers, carrying their eternally sparking static electricity.

· The unimaginable shortness of distances between Skyler particles, on all sides, and the quantum size of static electric sparks, give humans the incorrect belief that space is dark and almost empty.

· Interplanetary and interstellar dust, comets, asteroids, moons, planets, galaxies and even local groups of galaxies, taken together, are but mere flecks of “spice” in the clear soup Skyler universe.

· All particles larger than Skyler particles are completely permeable to Skyler particles.

· Space, empty space, is simply the interstice between dark matter Skyler particle intersections.

· The universe filling quantum soup provides the answer to action-at-distance, and is the aether, and the all-pervading medium of the propagation of all particles. Even quarks and leptons are completely permeable to Skyler particles.

· The “empty space” between moons and the planets that they circle or between planets and the stars that they circle or between stars and the galaxies that they circle is not empty. The “empty space” between galaxies and the electromagnetic miniscal membrane bubble that is our universe is not empty. All such “empty space” is totally filled. All “space” in the universe is filled with weakly interacting negatively charged, particles, Sklyers. These particles are an order of magnitude smaller than any quark or lepton. Skylers make up all but less than one trillionth of a trillionth of all the matter and energy in the universe. Skyler particles exhibit axial, but not orbital, rotation. Quarks, leptons and every other particle in the universe pick up energy by passing through this universal quantum soup. This energy passing is by Faraday’s “INDUCTION.”

· When that towering genius, H.A. Lorentz opined that “the seat of the electromagnetic force is the empty space,” he hadn’t seen dark matter motor test results that prove that “empty space” is actually Skyler quantum soup.

· In 1920, Einstein himself, at the University of Leiden, said “We may say that according to the general theory of relativity, space is endowed with physical qualities in this sense, therefore, there exists an aether.” (Skyler quantum soup.)

· The “universal bubble” is the product of tiny anomalies in the universe brought about by torque, the conservation of angular momentum, electromagnetism and gravity – sparked by compression and impingement caused curvature of the Skyler particle universal matrix scaffold and friction.

· Dark matter energy is a dynamic and electrostatic form of electricity, created by the eternal jostling of dark matter particles.

· I repeat once again - dark matter particles, which are eternally dynamic due to axial spin, comprise all but a maximum of one (1) trillionth of one (1) trillionth of all matter and energy in the universe.

· One must take pains to differentiate between this static electricity, which arises from the axially spinning dark matter particles and electrical current carried by electrons (which are made of Skyler particles).

· Gravity and electromagnetism arise in dark matter, Skyler particles. The strong force is added in atoms.

· Again, dark matter particles, and their static electrical energy, are the quantum soup that fills, uniformly, the bubble universe. Dark matter and dark energy are sprinkled with the “visible” spice of the universe, which we label galaxies, stars, dust, black holes, etc. As regular matter passes within quantum distances of Skyler particles, the Skyler particles spit a repulsively “charged” bit of static electricity.

· The expansion of the “visible” matter and energy will continue to accelerate until it nears the electromagnetic miniscal boundary layer of the universe. As this “visible” matter and energy approaches this miniscal layer, it will be turned back toward the next Big Crunch.

· This Skyler quantum soup also contains the strong nuclear force and the weak nuclear force except for time periods preceding big universal crunches and small universal big bangs.

· This Skyler quantum soup within the universal bubble, from everlasting to everlasting, is a home to gravity and electromagnetic energy, as I mentioned hereinabove.

· Residual cosmic microwave background radiation is created by every big bang and vanishes before every big crunch.

· The universe exists beyond and is greater than any arbitrary large value – in that sense, it is infinite. The universe is a bubble in the “void,” surrounded and contained by an electromagnetic boundary layer. The “void” beyond is unknown.

· The universe is alpha and omega, extending from everlasting to everlasting.

· Dark matter/energy does not become diluted anywhere in the universe; regular matter/energy does become diluted and concentrated in its eternal journeys towards big bangs and big crunches.

· Time and space are eternal. At the Skyler level, space does not bend or warp – neither does it expand or contract. Skyler space does become warmer and more excited and cooler and less excited by big bangs and big crunches, and the passing “spice.”


· It is long established scientific dictum that a changing electrical field produces a changing magnetic field. This phenomenon is called electromagnetism – which, for example, makes it possible to send radio signals over long distances. The electric and magnetic fields keep producing one another over and over through space.

· My experimental work with my dark matter motor/generator prototypes says this foundational principle of physics is wrong. H.A. Lorentz, noted hereinabove, as a towering genius, who was a mentor to Albert Einstein, once opined that: “The seat of the electromagnetic force is the empty space.” As far as Lorentz’ opinion went, it is now a proven, by experiments, truth.

· The Skyler particle matrix of the universe has been most recently proven by the January 30, 2010 experiments conducted by Steorn, in Dublin (Google “Steorn Orbo”).

· Einstein, as also noted above, at the University of Leiden, said “We may say that according to the general theory of relativity, space is endowed with physical qualities, in this sense, there exists an aether.”


· The speed of light is no mystery. The speed of light is simply the recorded rate of travel of photon particles through the Skyler particle clear quantum soup universe. The 186,000 miles per second travel rate is the product of photon dark matter particles, being pushed along with repulsive static electric charges. Perhaps 4-6 billion times a second, as I have noted hereinabove. Light travels, at well-documented slower speeds, through different types of materials. But light’s photons are always fueled by repulsive Skyler particle static electric sparks.


· The temperature of the clear Skyler soup of “empty” space is almost exactly the same everywhere in our bubble universe. Why, because temperature changes are propagated along the Skyler particle matrix. It is like the heating of a cast iron skillet versus an oak wood handle.


· Our sun was born from part of an interstellar gas and dust cloud, violently compressed by a supernova explosion’s “wind.” Gravity compressed this cloud until it lit up. The exploding supernova “wind” pressures thus forced the curving of otherwise uniformly distributed Skyler particles in this incredibly minute portion of the bubble universe. This compression and the torque of the axial rotation of Skyler particles engendered the triggering of the conservation of angular momentum forces that have sculpted our galaxy, and the universe.

· When exploding supernova “wind” pushed and curved the Skyler particle matrix, it pushed back against this compression of the Skyler matrix. This process takes place, obviously, throughout the universe. In brief, this set the sun to spinning.

· Newton, another towering genius, propounded laws of motion. What Newton did not postulate though, is how, what energy, from where, powers the movement of physical elements of the universe that had been detected or could be detected.

· CERN, among others, is hunting for a massive particle, called a Higgs boson that holds atoms together. The Higgs boson does not exist.


· It is the Skyler particles, that by their repulsive static electric charges, combined with their compulsive gravitational energy – wrapped around and donating their energy to every quark, lepton, photon, dust particle, comet, asteroid, meteor, moon, planet, star, galaxy and local group of galaxies, that hold the elements of the universe together.

· In 1982, research results obtained by experimental testing of my team’s first dark matter motor/generator inexorably and immediately led me to conclude that the “visible’ matter and energy must be expanding toward the miniscal limits of the universe with slowly but ever increasing speed. My conclusion was validated in 1998.


· In 1982, my research results convinced me that Voyager I must be slowly but surely going faster and faster, powered by Faraday’s merely nominative “induction” description. Faraday just gave a name to a observed phenomenon that he had no explanation for. They could have named it Dorothy. I call it Skyler space.

· I have found strong evidence that every subatomic particle and every atom in the universe is entirely composed of Skyler particles, in different numbers and in different arrangements. The only source of energy, of every type, everywhere in the universe, is the Skyler particle. The four (4) known forces of the universe: 1) gravity, 2) the strong force, 3) the weak force, and 4) radiation, all originate from and/or are powered by Skyler particles and their energy.

· Experimental results of testing of prototypes of my dark matter motor/generator by myself, Dublin-based Steorn and J.L. Naudin all conclusively prove that the input energy is multiplied by its output energy and work.


· There is a black hole at the center of each of the approximately 1.453 billion galaxies that we have thus far detected – and of all others of at least a certain age.

· When any star goes through its life cycle, its dark dust and corpse is gradually spun back into the black hole at its galaxy’s gravitational center.

· There is no bottom to a black hole. Black holes have an event horizon at each end of their tubular shapes.

· As matter approaches either end of a black hole, it spins faster and faster – until it reaches a speed close to the speed of light.

· A black hole’s size is represented by the circumference of its event horizons.

· The force of gravity is strongest in the middle of the tube of a black hole, and a periodic universal crunch.

· Visible matter and energy only become invisible when they are ripped apart passing past the event horizons of black holes.

· A super-massive black hole is simply a collection of black holes that have sunk to a galaxy’s gravitational center – or a cluster of galaxies’ center.

· Anyone with a significant knowledge of Einstein’s body of work knows that the very idea of black holes fell out of his work in 1916 on his General Theory of Relativity.

· That 1916 flash of genius is made more remarkable to me because I personally do not know if anyone had proof of the death of a star before 1917. Moreover, how would anyone conjure the concept of a black hole, absent the demise of a star?


· In my opinion, cosmologists are wrong when they calculate that singularities exist that contain all the mass of a black hole, within an infinitely dense point that takes up no space at all.


· The Dark Matter/Energy of the Skyler bubble universe does not expand or contract. Big bangs and big crunches are intrinsic properties of the matter composed of Skyler particles in different numbers and different configurations, that we know as protons, neutrons and electrons, and their baryonic confections.

· This Theory of Everything is but a template for the myriad modifications to scientific thought that it will engender.

· The “cosmological constant” of Einstein’s awesome imaginative genius is an intrinsic property of Skyler particles and Skyler energy.

· After “visible” matter and energy is turned back at the universe’s miniscal layer boundary, it goes back to the center of the universe to another in an endless series of big crunch events wherein it is stripped of its strong and weak forces and its atomic structures – and explodes in another of its endless series of big bangs.

· Dark matter/energy – Skylers push and hold all larger objects towards and into the gravitational centers of nearby objects.

· Dark matter/energy – Skylers are the repositories of electromagnetic energy. This is the source of Michael Faraday’s electrical energy – Skyler energy “induced” electricity to flow.

· The cycle of universal crunches and bangs does not materially effect Skylers except for the eternal heating and cooling cycle of the crunches and bangs.

· This Skyler quantum soup is stable but dynamic inside the electromagnetic miniscal bubble that encloses the universe.

· Dark matter/energy Skylers explain why many protons carrying positive charges can exist close to each other in a stable nucleus of an atom.

· Neutron stars, crushed by gravity down to 10 miles in diameter, will be so dense that one (1) teaspoonful of it would weigh about one (1) billion tons. Skyler dark energy will keep it from collapsing further.

· Neither time nor space began.

· The reason that everything in the universe is flying directly away from the earth is a wonderful proof of big bangs.

· The speed of light in the universe’s quantum soup is the universe’s speed limit.

· Matter and energy are eternal. They were not “created quite literally from the nothingness of curved space time.”

· Dark matter/energy Skylers preclude the possibility of the existence of a singularity.

· The universe exists beyond and is greater than any arbitrarily large value. In that sense, it is infinite.

· The universe is Alpha and Omega – it extends from everlasting to everlasting.

· The providential spacing of Skyler particles, and its “space” provides for vast periods of time between the universe’s endless series of big bangs and big crunches. This time permits the existence of life.

· Only God could band Orion or set the stars in place.

· All particles larger than Skylers bend space. Stars, planets, asteroids, bullets, etc. bend space as they tunnel through it. They specifically make a circular tunnel through space – compressing it.


· “ . . . The electric field theory of Faraday and Maxwell represents probably the most profound transformation of physics since Newton’s time . . . The existence of the field manifests itself only when electrically charged particles are introduced into it . . . in space.” [Albert Einstein]

· “The mechanical properties of the aether were at first a mystery. Then came H.A. Lorentz’s great discovery. All of the phenomena of electromagnetism then known could be explained on the basis of two assumptions: 1) that the aether is firmly fixed in space – that is to say, unable to move at all, and 2) that electricity is firmly lodged in the mobile elementary particles. Today his discovery may be expressed as follows: 1) physical space and the aether are only different terms for the same thing, and 2) (electrical) fields are physical states of space.” [Albert Einstein]

· I agree with the essence of the “electric field theory of Faraday and Maxwell.” I also agree with Albert Einstein’s statement that the Faraday/Maxwell electric field theory was “ . . probably the most profound transformation of physics since Newton’s time . . .” I also agree that “ . . . the existence of the electric field (in space) manifests itself only when electrically charged particles are introduced into it.”

· I agree with H.A. Lorentz’s conclusions that: 1) “empty space” is not empty, it is filled with “aether.” [now ether is a hypothetical substance supposed to occupy all space, postulated to account for the propagation of electromagnetic waves through space.]

· I also agree with H.A. Lorentz and Albert Einstein when they postulated that “ . . . the aether is firmly fixed in space – that is to say, unable to move at all,” but for my simple clarification, as hereinafter detailed.

· The aether of empty space, as follows from the work of Faraday, Maxwell, Lorentz, Einstein and a multitude of experimentalists and theoreticians, simply needs a little tweaking.

· I agree that the aether is firmly fixed in place throughout our bubble universe. The aether is entirely composed of Skyler particles and their electromagnetic energy – compacted to quantum distances that create a Skyler soup scaffold inside our bubble universe.

· The Skyler soup scaffolding is locked in place by gravity’s compulsive forces and the repulsive/compulsive forces of electromagnetism and the eternal jostling of Skyler particles as they spit static electrical charges. The Skyler particles themselves, as I have noted, exhibit axial but not orbital spin.

· My thought experiments and my practical dark matter motor development experiments cause me to differ with Lorentz and Einstein in a second matter.

· I do not believe that “electricity is firmly lodged (-only-) in the mobile elementary particles.” My experimental work, as demonstrated by output energy, work and heat versus input energy, prove that Skyler particles in the Skyler soup scaffolding also are a seat of electricity, as described hereinabove.

· The testing of my dark matter motor, as confirmed by the dark matter motor testing by Steorn, in Dublin, and by J. L. Naudin, in France, demonstrates that the input energy is multiplied as output energy and work. Steorn’s January 30, 2010 testing of their version of my dark matter motor/generator produced 2.7 times the electrical input energy as work and heat. The Steorn motor tested on January 30, 2010, could not have been built much more simply.

· The dark matter motor/generator models that I have drawn and specified at will soon be being mass-manufactured – thus starting to solve all of this planet’s energy problems. These machines can tap directly into the infinite free fuel of Skyler particle space – forever.

· The patent application’s exemplary embodiment graphic representations depict a powerful neodymium iron boron rod, permanent magnet, as a powered, weight-bearing piston, cutting at right angles through the magnetic fields of a relatively weak electromagnet.

· The electromagnet’s controller first switches the electromagnet on while its south-seeking pole is opposed to the permanent magnet’s north-seeking pole. The permanent magnet, as encased as part of a weight bearing piston assembly, will accelerate upwards toward the south-seeking pole of the fixed electromagnet. Just before the opposing poles kiss with machine-shattering force, the reversible electromagnet will be mechanically switched so that the powerfully sought south pole’s magnetic field will collapse and “Morph” into becoming a repulsive north-seeking pole of the permanent magnet piston – which will serve to propel the aforesaid piston assembly away.

· Thus, both strokes of the weight-bearing permanent magnet piston assembly will be “powered” strokes.

· Then the reversible electromagnet will be mechanically switched so that the north-seeking pole will again “Morph” into a south-seeking pole. At that point, the more powerful magnetic field of the permanent magnet piston will again accelerate upwards to kiss the stationary electromagnet.

· So on, and so forth will the generator/motor cycle. A fraction of the mechanical force will be converted to electrical energy by this process, and will power the electromagnet.

· The motor/generator will thus not utilize external fuel or force – (except to be started).

· My patent application’s rotary dark matter motor/generators work on similar principles – as drawn and articulated therein.


· String theory should occupy the minds of cats and science fiction creators.

· The Higgs boson does not exist, in my opinion.

· Wormholes, backwards time travel, and the 11 or so dimensions of string theory are full employment opportunities for thinkers, and nothing more.

· Hyperinflation theory is the conception of a true genius, however I cannot find room for it in Sannes’ Theory of Everything or the Smith/Sannes/Benjamin Theory of Much.

· Infinite density and infinite gravity do not exist in nature. They only exist in the minds and equations of highly educated and brilliant mathematicians, and others. To put it simply, singularities only exist at all because of Einstein’s errant mathematical calculations.

· Traveling back in time is absurd, but how long can it be before governments find a way to levy taxes to achieve it?


· Time and space have always existed.

· Dark matter energy, Skylers, although of low density, can answer human energy needs forever.

· Our bubble universe is not expanding.

· All humans can marvel and wonder about Goldilocks’ temperature zones.


· The greatest genius who ever lived, Albert Einstein, was absolutely correct when he mathematically calculated that E=MC2. However, Einstein missed all but perhaps, at most, one (1) trillionth of one (1) trillionth of the total matter and energy of the universe.


· It is a mystery beyond all mysteries, though, as to how Skyler particle/energy sprang into existence along with space/time.

· The Paul Simon Leevan, Esq. conundrum arising from my experimental and theoretical work in physics and cosmology can be simply postulated. Have Skylers always existed or is there a God who created them? Paul, my mentor, knows, but refuses to tell.

David Richard Sannes
Dairy Farmer/Goat Herder

With inspiration, assistance and encouragement beyond measure from Sun Sannes, Sky Sannes, Wilson Sannes, Earl Smith, Juan Moran, Iskander A.A. Abdulla, Malik Fuller, Marcus Fuller, Patricio David, Christopher William “THJ” Williams, Shalon Smith, Na’im Al-Amin, Carla and Kiana Hamler, and Jabril.

July 2, 2010

P.S. Yes, I do understand the vast implications of the changes that my hereinabove, sparsely sketched scientific discoveries, and inventions will make on human life. I hope, but also fear, for the human race.

P.P.S. Dear Readers, You could make this world better by sending your donation to the Watts/Willowbrook Boys and Girls Club, 1339 East 120th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90059. (323) 567-2279.